Sohail Ahmed


A Better Dev Workflow with Docker Compose

As a follow-up to our previous post on the versatility of Docker Compose, we wanted to emphasize how useful it can be to introduce Compose to your development workflow. Compose lets you take advantage of the benefits of Docker, while abstracting the complexity of your stack and of your Dockerfiles themselves. You may be used to running production images with Compose, but using it in development has benefits of its own.

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How We Made Builds Faster for Our New Users

We’re always trying to eliminate points of drop-off in our onboarding flow — we want to show value as quickly as possible to new users. Recently, we applied some unconventional methods to make this happen.

The first thing a user experiences in Runnable is our demo. Our app builds environments for git branches. We want users to see what that’s like right off the bat, so we start them off with a demo application. Since it’s tied to a repository on their own GitHub account, we can’t build it in advance, which means they have to wait for it to build.

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Embracing Event-Driven Microservices

A few months ago, Anand discussed the benefits of transitioning from traditional HTTP communication to event-driven microservices. He noted how this transition decoupled our services, forced scalable patterns, and increased our resilience. Here, we’ll detail the lessons we learned when we re-implemented our Cron-esque scheduler service, Khronos.

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How to Improve Your User Onboarding Flow

No matter how high your CTRs are on your advertising, it won’t translate into active users without an onboarding flow that helps users quickly understand the value of your product. This is what we’ve been focusing on now that Runnable is generally available. Here’s the approach we’ve been using to help more users “see the light”.

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