Sundip Patel

Product Manager

Runnable Unveils Kubernetes Integration @ Google Cloud Next

Last week, the Runnable team attended Google Cloud Next and had the privilege to speak with tons of developers and DevOps professionals. We kicked off the conference with the announcement of support for Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform. We also gave away a ton of swag and sparked several meaningful relationships. A big thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth and said hi! It was awesome to meet and talk to so many of you.

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Rethinking Our Development Pipeline

While building two products over the past four years, our team has grown in both headcount and dev speed. Adopting a process to improve our speed of development took us a while to get right. As we all reflect and make resolutions at the start of the new year, we think other teams might benefit from how we identified our slowdowns and improved our dev speed.

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